√ Best Answer
Internet dropping once in a while is a quite common problem that lies with the settings at the ISP. However, if you are not able to connect every time you turn on your machine, or if the signal strength keeps dropping every now and then, well you need to take some steps yourself. Every time i try to play BF4 and other online games my internet disconnects. I can play for around 1 minute and then the game closes, and my internet connection is lost. The connection comes back after 20-30 seconds. I can play other games and stream films etc so the problem seems to be with BF4. Think of your rated internet speed the same way you think of a speed limit sign. Even though the freeway sign says you can go 75 mph, you’ve got no shot of going that fast during rush hour. Re: Internet connection keeps dropping randomly The upstream power is too high / out of spec and it may be intermittently fluctuating even higher out of spec. That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, the un-bonding of channels and latency problems.
When you have a single Internet connection at your home and have connected a good number of computers to the same, through a default gateway, chances of your connection dropping is very high. Though this may not always happen, but you may face problems like Internet freezing or timing out, if you have a slow connection.
High Speed Internet
lotus6191779 days ago
I have had experience of the situation you stated. Do you have Windows 10 and did this problem occur AFTER that Nov update? If so, your problem sounds exactly like mine and hundreds of other people. Apparently Microsoft will have a patch with a fix soon, I hope.
Are you totally sure that you are on the internet, or might you be connected to the modem, but no I-net access. If you use the troubleshooter does it tell you that, ' One or more network settings are missing on this computer'? This occurred after that update in November.
Right now, many people have offered fixes (at the Microsoft forums), but as soon as you know you do not have I-net access (you can find this out by checking the I-net icon in your tray) or, of course, your browser soon tells you.. The icon has a yellow part where there is no color if connected.
I corrected it simply by restarting. It has been perfect since I started doing it, and so long as you did the same thing with success, check the MS forum for the update.
I hope this helps.
Internet Speed Starts High Then Drops Low
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