Luger Serial Number Suffix

While the number matches the frame serial number (as do all numbers on this Luger), it is of a different size than all. The production run of this serial number range ('x' suffix) is reported to be 3300 Lugers with only 62 know to collectors. This is truly a very rare find. 4' barrel, 9mm Luger. Probably manufactured by Mauser for German Luftwaffe in early 1940s. Serial number (on left side receiver area) has 'Ku' prefix or suffix. Total production estimated at 5000 pieces. The.45 Luger prototype serial number 2, believed to have been a back-up to Serial Number 1, survived the 1907 trials and is in private ownership. Its rarity gives its value of around US$1 million at the time the 'Million Dollar Guns' episode of History Channel 's ' Tales of the Gun ' was filmed, 28 recheck by Guns & Ammo as of 1994. As part of a group of pistols, acquired these Lugers yesterday. Sadly, these are from the collection of one of my best and long time friends since childhood that recently passed away. Mauser byf 41, serial number 7676, serial letter suffix X. Mauser byf 42, serial number 7537, serial letter suffix L. Pics of the group of pistols the Lugers were included in. How to Read German Luger Numbers. Find the script letter, which follows the serial number, and record it onto the paper. The script letter denotes the production series of your Luger. Look at the top of the pistol. Note and record the numerical code just before the start of the exposed barrel. This refers to the Luger's particular make.

Dwm luger serial number lookup

German Luger Serial Number Suffix Codes

Hi everyone. New joiner here, first post.
I have a 9mm 1917/1920 DWM and have been photographically recording markings and looking them up.
All numbers match, including internal small parts, except for a WWII magazine, and grips.
The four-digit serial number is 10XX with no suffix letter. The right receiver has the normal German military receiver proofs of 1914-1918. It appears to be left to right crown over T, crown over S, crown of S etcetera. The left-most stamp (crown over T) is overstamped with an eagle of horizontal wing depiction, no pendant, under which is HZaJt3 which I have now learned was a Berlin depot responsible for storage, issue and repair. To the extreme right is what looks like a Simson-style eagle (no pendant) under which is Za(illegible)t..another depot marking.
Left receiver bears only the last two digits of the serial number. Front strap of grip is unmarked.
I would describe condition of gun and grips at least very good, but also would mention any straw-colored parts are not bright nor of any depth. A friend who has a Luger remarked how much tighter it is than his.
The four-inch (carefully measured from muzzle to bolt face) 8.82 gauged barrel has a 42 stamped just forward of the witness (witnesses sharply appear single strike, perfectly aligned). To the left of the 42 is what could be a 4 with the vertical leg missing. It is far enough to the left of the 42 as to look unrelated. The font appears slightly smaller than the 42, but could be attributed to a lighter strike. Farther forward of the barrel serial number is an eagle-like stamp with horizontal wing representation devoid of pendant. There is an capitol script M on the front of the receiver below the barrel and receiver serial number.
I should add that the barrel is a finer finish than the rest of the gun..metal more finely polished and the bluing is blue, as opposed to the rest of the pistol being a duller, more blackish bluing and surfaces more coarse. It appears that this is not unusual judging from many viewed photos.
There is no sear safety, and no magazine safety interlock. Toggle bolt remains open on an empty mag.
I am surmising the initial receiver stamps are proper, and the overstamping and what appears be additional stamping is by the Weimar Republic added at the time of the 1920 receiver top stamp. I am wondering if the pistol was again proofed by Mauser in 4/42 or the barrel has a Mauser issuedconnection. I don't think it was refurbed/reissued to WWII military as I can find no Third Reich eagle/swastikas.
Thanks for any information. :-)
ETA: The top of the frame has a flat notch approximately 3/32' X 7/16' across it, leaving that portion of the barrel shoulder flange exposed. Haven't located anything about that yet.

Luger Serial Number Suffix

a P08 Luger. So far I have determined that it was made by DWM, has a four digit serial number. Even a Luger in decent shape can be worth thousands of dollars. marked with the last two digits of the serial number, which should all match. Charles Kenyon Jr., in his book 'Lugers At Random' (page 110) states: The serial number of the example shown [on page 111] is '2', number '1' having been. A BYF 41 LUGER, MAUSER MODEL 10, Computer slow EXTRA CLIPS AND HOLSTERS, HJ AND HEER BELT BUCKLES, MEDALS,. GENERAL'S NAME AND SERIAL NUMBER ENGRAVED Autocad 2015 only.

Grey anatomy season 1. ON THE BARREL. Secondly, the Luger P-08 was the first truly compact, easily reloadable,. identity can be deduced by examining the individual gun's serial On Luger boats, the first

Imperial Lugers Serial Number


Dwm Luger Serial Number Lookup


Luger P08 Serial Numbers Date

three letters of the Hull I.D. Nabble - Custom serializer #

Luger Serial Numbers By Year

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