Fsk Rtty Software For Mac

  1. Fsk Rtty Software For Mac Pro
  2. Rtty App
  3. Fsk Rtty Software For Mac Os
  4. Fsk Rtty Software For Mac 10
  5. Fsk Rtty Software For Mac Download

Operating RTTY and especially RTTY contesting has quickly become my favourite facet of amateur radio. I started operating RTTY in 1984 using a Dragon 32 (6800 CPU) computer and G4BMK software and Terminal Unit. My interest then waned until 2002 when I discovered MMTTY and N1MM. By using the FSK input to your transceiver, you can then operate the radio in the RTTY or FSK position and make use of filters available for receiving RTTY, such as a narrow 250hz or 500hz IF filter. In most cases, when using AFSK, your radio will be placed in the LSB position (although some, especially in Europe, prefer using USB). RTTY is a program that listen to your sound-card audio input and try to decode FSK modulated signals. 1 Decoder Online. Icom IC-7300 RTTY Decode Demonstration. Auf Langwelle sind RTTY-Wetterberichte in deutscher Sprache des Seewetterdienst Hamburg auf ca.

RTTY with Windows and Soundcard
WinXP - Vista - Win7

'MMTTY is free for Amateur Radio Use'

Click for full screen view

New MMTTY Revision History Page
see menu
Webmasters: Please Do Not link to files from your website!

June 4, 2017

(Full Version - 3.5MB)

MMTTY V170K Engine

September 29, 2010

(Full Version - 2.8MB)

(No installer - for experienced users - 2.6MB)

Inno Installer Info


Updated ARRL.DX file - ARRL.DX.ZIP
Unzip ARRL.DX.ZIP and copy ARRL.DX into the program folder.

Problems using the .chm Help?
See the Contact and Support page


Older Versions of MMTTY

(Full Version - 2.99mb)

MMTTY165D split into 2 files

(Install from HD or Floppies)

(Full Version - 2.5mb)

MMTTY165B split into 3 files

(Install from HD or Floppies)

MMTTY 158NP - (979kb)
May work better on some older, non Pentium computers


Installing MMTTY

A fair amount of testing is done before a new release made available on the website. In my tests, I always installed over the older versions To date I have never had any problems. That being said, one never knows for sure how an install will go on every computer.. All I can say is installing over the older version should work.. It might be a good idea to make a back up copy of MMTTY.ini and (urcall).mdt, just in case something goes wrong.

MMTTY Engine

(* Download only if you use another program that requires the Engine*)
MMTTY Engine Ver. 1.68a

Download from the Programmers Download Page
This is the file needed to add the RTTY mode to
commercial programs that use the MMTTY engine.

Older Versions of MMTTY Engine available:


MMTTY PDF Help File View Online - 18mb

MMTTY PDF Help File download zip file - 18mb

Fsk Rtty Software For Mac Pro

Audio files for Testing MMTTY
RTTY audio files I recorded for MMTTY receive testing.
(In Wave and MMV formats)


Getting Started on RTTY

A tutorial on how to get started operating RTTY using MMTTY as the primary program to begin your RTTY operations. Check this and other RTTY information out on the AA5AU RTTY page http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html

For anyone new to RTTY and MMTTY, this tutorial should be considered as Mandatory Reading before asking questions. Please take the time to utilize this excellent resource!


RTTY Contesting.com
(Dedicated to RTTY mode contesting)

Using MMTTY with FSK

COMFSK information and download

COMFSK allows keying your radio for for PTT/FSK

(1) parallel port
(USB-Parallel converter not supported).
(2) serial port
(3) USB serial adapter

MMJARTS V1.03 (254kb)
(English September 6, 2002)
(Log and Summary Sheets generator for the JARTS RTTY contest)

JARTS Website: http://jarts.jp

For support, please use group.io!



The following is a compilation of URLs found on search engines and news groups.
The Author makes no endorsement nor has any pecuniary interest in any of the listings.
CAVEAT EMPTOR applies as in all things.


Gold Mine Of Ham Software One - From QRZ - Simply Too Much To List - A must seeGold Mine Of Ham Software Two - From K7HG

GoldMine Of Ham Software Three--From IW8PG and 1Kr102

Gold Mine Of Ham Software Four -- Many DownloadsFrom G3VFP

Gold Mine Five Of Amateur Radio Soundblaster Software Collection(by Dr. Oliver Welp, DL9QJ)

Fsk Rtty Software For Mac

Gold Mine Of Ham Software Six -- From The DXZONE

Free Software CWPLAYER, SATEXPLORER, AZIWORLD, SIMPLEX and their last releases -- From Gabriel RIVAT - F6DQM


Antenna Software -- Click here to go to the Antenna Software page

AntennaSoftware -- from QRZ.com



RoMac Automatic CW Identifier Version 1.0.0 -- Written by KF8OY


SOUNDCARD INTERFACING By WM2U -- Covers many rig models with pin outouts

Improved PSK signal reporting usingRSQ (Readability, Strength, Quality) -- RSQ now receives IARU Region 3recommendation

Amateur Radio Soundblaster Software Collection-- From Dr. Oliver Welp, DL9QJ -- Enormous collection -- A must See

Rtty App

BUX CommCo® Home of the RASCAL® PSK31, WSJT, & SSTV Interface Boxes and Cables


DigiPan -- A Freeware Program for PSK31 and PSK63. Now, DigiPan 2.0 again changes how PSK31 tuning is done! A MUST SEE

DTMF Decoder From Dr. OliverWelp, DL9QJ

DX4WIN-- Version 5 with integrated PSK-31 interface control

G3VFPGold Mine Of Ham Software -- Many Downloads For Digital Modes

Gisela Dierking NF/HF-Technik - ... für 2 Transceiver, sofort bereitfür PSK31, SSTV, SSB, FM . From DJ6CA

HamScope-- PSK31 Freeware Program

MFSK16 calling frequency email to: MFSKCALLFREQ-subscribe@egroups.com

MixW - Multi Mode Operating Software for HAMsBy Nick UT2UZ

AddOn for MixW2 --- MW2Log is a AddOn for MixW2 software. The tool is used for simple data input in case of 'sent QSL' and/or 'rcvd QSL'. MW2Log save this information in the original logfile of MixW2. Handling all logfiles created by MixW2 is possible. -- HB9CIC Josef / author MW2Log

31/31Award -- Worldradio is now offering the new '31 on 31 Award' to our readers. How do youearn this new, highly coveted and prestigious award? Work 31 countries on PSK31!See Departments,then awards.PSK31 and other PCMagic -- Includes HamScope -- From K1VY
PSK31 - Phase Shift Keying -- From WM2U
PSK31 - Phase Shift Keying -- From Neil Rosenberg (N1DMA)
PSK31 - Phase Shift Keying -- Soft and Hard for PSK31
PSK31 - Phase Shift Keying-- PSKGNR V1.34
PSK31 - Phase Shift Keying-- Excellent PSK Article From the ARRL (Need ARRL Membership to Read)
PSK31 - Phase Shift Keying-- From the ARRL
PSK31 for Linux/Soundblaster -- Via Hansi Reiser, DL9RDZ
PSK31 Software -- From The DXSoft Group
PSK31 Awards From Jay, N3DQU
PSK31 by WM2U
PSKGNR_(Front end for PSKSBW Ver 1.06)
PSK Mail List -- psk31-subscribe@egroups.com ( its free !! )

RigBlaster-- The RIGblaster connects your radio to your computer's sound card. It is the easy and modern way to get on the air with PSK31,SSTV, RTTY, AMTOR, PACKET, CW, Contest Voice Keying, HSCW meteor scatter, and other new modes. Your computer and a RIGblaster take the place of the older expensive adapters orTNC's.

RoMac PSK31-- Full featured PSK31 software, yet easy to learn, setup and use! -- Written by KF8OY

Sigmira 1r0 -- Demodulation of PSK31, RTTY, RFSpace SDR-IQ , and CW 'digital' modes. Free

SkySweep Technologies

SoundblasterSoftware Collection For Amateur Radio -- From DL9QJ

Sound Card Interfacing forRTTY, PSK31, and SSTV -- Via W5BBR

Fsk Rtty Software For Mac Os

SOUNDCARD INTERFACING By WM2U -- Covers many rig models with pin outouts

Fsk Rtty Software For Mac 10

WINTTY_(RTTY for Kam and PK 232)

WinWarbler Simultaneously decode and display PSK transmissions on three separate frequencies.


    RoMac 10 Band Equalizer -- DSP Equalizer From KF8OY

    SkySweeper -- Advanced DSP - Most modern adaptive multichannel and multirate digital signal processing in the market


    Click Here For DX & CONTEST SOFTWARE


    TrellianFTP - Award Winning FTP client

    BuffaloQRZWalnut Creek
    Simtelnet - Ham radioUSLUK FTP Site

    Ham Exams A Bunch - A dozen to choose from including MAC


    AZMap - an Azimuthal-Equidistance Map Generator From AA6Z

    Beacon Wizard -- Track the NCDXF Beacons and Sets your PC Clock to world standards

    DXAtlas 1.1 -- From VE3NEA

    DX View -- FreeWare. Find heading, country, distance, zone info from callsign prefix --- Includes Maps, Greyline and More. An absolute MUST SEE

    Formulae For Calculating Great Circle Heading and Distance Information

    HamClock -- Desk Top program for Time in the All DXCC Prefixes -- A Real Winner and its Free!!

    Ham Clock Version 2 - Another beauty -- Shows Time, UTC and by prefix. Also displays the distance and heading from your location to the selected prefix next to the time.

    GcmWin - A program to make Great Circle Maps -- Via SM3GS

    Geo Clock -- A beauty -- World Maps, Grey Line -- much more By Joe Ahlgren

    Gray Line Program -- From Alex Shovkoplyas, ex UR5EMI (now in VE3)

    Radio Explorer-- By Dmitry Nefedov -- Graphic viewer for shortwave radio broadcastingschedules. Displays data in a tree-like expanding table, on a 24-hour Ganttchart, and on a world map with greyline and frequency coloring. Developed inJava and runs with multiple operating systems including Windows and Linux. Canbe installed with a single click on a web page link via Java Web Start.

    Great Circle calculations ---GCGC by Ron McConnell W2IOL.

    Great Circle Maps - azprj104.zip program - For any point on the earth.

    Pizza - Windows Great Circle Mapping Program From James L. Tonne

    Grid Squares -- From the ARRL Web -- on-line grid-square calculator
    Grid-square calculator program for your computer
    By hand, as explained in the QST Lab Notes PDF file

    Grid Square Calculator -- Find Grid Squares By Long/Lat or find Long/Lat from Grid Squares --- From AMSAT

    Online Map Creation using AZ_PROJ v1.04 - By Joe NA3T and Michael NV3Z

    Super Software Page - By KL7J, Great Circle Map, Geoclock w/Greyline, SSTV, RTTY

    Sunrise/Sunset, Gray line and UTC Time From HAB Software, Hamburg, Germany.

    Linux On-Line -- General Linux page From Linux OnLine

    Linux- QRZ CDROM Lookup for Linux From QRZ.com

    LinuxSoftware for The Ham Community From HamSoft Includes Morse programs

    Linux Software - WolfPack - FromV01PWF Loren - Logger, Dipole and Inverted Vee Calculator, Morse Tutor, More

    Linux For Amateur Radio -- From K7QO'sHome Page

    Linux Software By Mike K6EEP

    LEAP - a non-profit organization andLinux user group (LUG) that is dedicated to promoting, fostering, and educatingthe community about the Linux operating system

    Radio Explorer -- By DmitryNefedov -- Graphic viewer for shortwave radio broadcasting schedules. Displaysdata in a tree-like expanding table, on a 24-hour Gantt chart, and on a worldmap with greyline and frequency coloring. Developed in Java and runs withmultiple operating systems including Windows and Linux. Can be installed with asingle click on a web page link via Java Web Start.


    Ham Software Reflector -- Subscription Info


    Macnet is the WWW group of Ham Radio Operators that use Mac computersto extend their communications capabilities. To join Macnet, send YOUR STATS towd1v@amsat.org
    o Amateur Radio CALL SIGN
    o Street ADDRESS

    Aether- Ham radio logging for the Mac OS X

    MacnetHam Software List --Loaded compiled by John Seney, WD1V - Check here first for Mac Software.

    UpdatedMAC S/W Site LOADED -- HAMSAND X, MacOS X, XR11 andJava Applet Software for the Amateur Radio Operator -- From NI5V

    MacIntosh Ham Software List -- From The QRZ Folks

    Promethius --Logbook Package for the Mac

    MAC OSX Software by Mike K6EEP

    MorseMania - -- For The Mac

    MAC Elmer - -- Elmer creates sample tests to help you prepare for your ham radio written examination

    MacGrayLiner --Displays a map of the Earth, showing day, night, and Terminator.

    MacintoshPrograms From QRZ.com

    MAC Software -- Blackcat Software -- Science and Radio related software.

    MacMultiMode From Black Cat Systems -- decode and transmit morse code, RTTY, FAX,SSTV, PACKET, ACARS, PSK31, ALE, and many other modes on your Macintosh, without any extra hardware!

    MacDopplerPRO-- MacDoppler --Operations & Command Centre for every satellite in orbit.

    Macintosh users and the EchoMac software at
    http://www.dogparksoftware.com/EchoMac.html or

    Earth-Moon-Earth Communication -- From W6/PA0ZN

    Moonbounce Operating Tips -- From W7GJ

    OS/2 Amateur Radio Software And eComStation -- Via HB9SKA


    APRS Software -- From CAVE

    APRSPoint-- Extensive program

    Grafik Packet -- From Jens, DH2BAU

    InterFlex Systems - KaGOLD for Kantronics, PkGOLD for AEA TNCs

    KAWIN - For Packet Radio -- Also PicturePacket 1.21, packet radio Freeware, SA Watch 3.2 for GPS users.

    Mscan Meteo Fax -- An easy to use Windows program to receive weatherfax im very high

    Mscan Meteo Pro -- An easy to use Windows program combining all features of Mscan Meteo Fax and Text and more!

    PacketRadio Programs From QRZ.com

    Sound Card Packet -- By KC2RLM

    Winpack 6.4 -- Full-featured Windows 3.x/Windows95 interface to use with your TNC.

    Winpack (Windows Packet )


    FreewarePalm: Freeware files by Joe Lauben. SeeHRR v3.0 Ham Radio Reference

    PalmPilot - Satellite Tracking SoftwareFrom Emm Graphics

    TealPointSoftware for Ham Radio -- morse code and ham radio frequencies

    HF Radio Logger 0.1.3-- From PalmGear.com -- A log program for AmateurRadio

    N0HRMorse Code Tutor (and keyer) for PocketPC PDAs (like the iPAQ, Jordana andCassiopea).

    PortaLog from HamHeld-- general purpose ham radio logging program for Palm OS devices

    From N5CG -- The use of PDAs are becoming so very popular (I use my PalmPilot Vllx to find and work theLEO satellites when operating portable to show a friend(s). There is no need for me to eventake my Dell laptop along, only my dual band TH-7 handheld Kenwood, my handheld PalmPilot loaded with the shareware program 'PocketSat' and my small (3 feet long) handheldArrow II satellite antenna (crossed Yagi with 3 elements on 2-meters and 7 elements on 70 cm.This is a complete satellite station that I can carry, in one hand.

    From KA6K Travel'n Tom - I'm currently using the Visor from Handspring with the Palm/OS and I've found the PDA to be a great operating aid for thetraveling ham. I particularly like the 'Ham Frequency Reference' fromTealPoint.com. This one does require TealInfo a shareware product from TealPoint. It's great for quick frequencyreference when your mobile or on field day. Another favorite is 'HF Radio Logger'.This one is handy when you what to make a quick note of a contact for future reference. Finally, 'CallSign Prefix' from N9LJX@aol.com provides a worldwide prefix reference you can easily update and access anywhere. Call sign prefix is afreeware product and will run with any Palm/OS doc reader.


    AADE -- L/C Meter II, kits and software

    Amateur Radio Artwork From QRZ.com

    Amateur Radio Test Programs (US)From QRZ.com

    Club Attendence Program -- Track member checkins

    Commodore Computer Ring -- Hundreds of Sites for the Commodores

    RoMac Automatic CW Identifier Version 1.0.0 -- Written by KF8OY

    DART PRO 98 - Software - Audio restoration and recording software plus a free radio recording program

    E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc. - For electronics builders -Compilers to Code Examples to Components Distributors.

    ERP Calculator Plus for Windows. From KD4UDY. Side by side system comparison for ERP calculation.

    Field Day Software -- From Paul VE3SY -- This is a self extracting (from DOS and Windows) package and is free ware

    HamCalc -- By VE3ERPVia Walter Banzhaf

    Incredible Variety of Software -- From RF/Spread Spectrum

    KO4BB Software Page -- ADIF Lookup, Compilers and More

    K7HG Software Page -- Via John Agrelius, K7HG -- Antenna Maker, Miniprop, Super Morse, ClusterMaster, DX Monitor, Field Day Logger, Rxclus, Satellites, DX PacketCluster WebNet, Windows 95SSTV, More

    Misc Demo ProgramsFrom QRZ.com

    MiscPrograms From QRZ.com

    MobileLog - Logging System for PocketPC (Windows CE) PDAs-- From N0HR

    Mom 'N' Pop's Software -- IBM HAM Radio, Education, Games, Business, Finance, Cooking, Hobby, Genealogy and Other CD-Roms, Software and Shareware Programs.
    N3TUK Software Page -- Decode dtmf,ccir,zvel and ctcss tones for windows95, Control Program for the FT-736R, Sound Blaster Spectral Display And Filtering, Kenwood Radio Controller Program, Send & Receive RTTY and CW w/o Modem

    Part 97 Rules & Regs -- On-Line Text -- from Ham Radio On Line

    Public Domain Software -- From KC6YJY, Randy Roberts

    QRZ.COM FTP Archives -- Loaded with stuff

    QRZ Shareware Page -- Goodies

    RadioModification Files From QRZ.com

    ReferenceMaterial From QRZ.com

    RCSI - Radio Control Systems, Inc -- Amateur Radio software

    RF & Antenna Software - From The Spread Spectrum Scene

    RoMacSoftware's Pulser aka 'Pulse Tuner' sends a series of short audiotones with a duty cycle as low as 20% to the audio input of your radio enablingyou to tune your amplifier or antenna tuner, without worrying about overheatingthose expensive amplifier tubes or antenna tuner parts. From Roger Macdonald -KF8OY

    ScannerRadio Programs From QRZ.com

    SimplexThis software is intended to replace the hardware logic of repeaters. With SIMPLEX, repeaters may be quickly implemented with a few connections between the computer sound card and the audio receiver output and microphone transmitter input.It handles simplex repeater, duplex repeater, transponder and mixed mode. It supports classical 1750 Hz tone detection or CCTSS detection to open. It plays any audio service message (beacon, welcome, goodbye, transmit, timerout messages).It repeats communications either on audio detection (vox mode) or carrier detection (if a squelch signal is available). It detects DTMF codes for remote control.It works also as a simple parrot or voice recorder. It runs under Win95/98/NT/2000/XP. From G. RIVAT F6DQM

    TechnicalData/Files From QRZ.com

    Ubuntu repositories -- type in 'Amateur Radio' in the SEARCH box

    Utility Programs FromQRZ.com

    XDFilt1r0 -- XDFilt Windows application program for filtering and removing noisefrom audio signals. The audio source can be saved .wav files, external liveinput as from a radio receiver, or external prerecorded material as from audiotapes, phonograph records, etc.

    Go To The Propagation Page -- Links and Software

    Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) -- a suite of Windows programs providing CAT control for commonly used transceivers and receivers. HRD also includes mapping and PSK31 software.

    Programming and remote control interfacesavailable for many transceivers, e.g. all ICOM- Transceiver CI-V Interface (e.g.IC-756, IC-7400, IC-746), Kenwood TS-850, TS-450 etc., Yaesu FT-817, FT-857,FT-897, FT-100 etc. For many Handhelds (e.g. TH-F7, IC-Q7, VX-1, VX-2, VX-5,VX-7) and Receivers (e.g. FRG-9600 VR-120) the appropriate interface isavailable as well.

    AOR Radios Control Software -- AR5000 AR8000 AR8200

    FineWare -- Control for a variety of SWL Receivers

    HamStation,SWLstation, and ScopeStationcontrol panels, for Ten Tec Pegasus and Ten Tec Jupiter transceivers and Ten Tec RX-320 and RX-350 receivers. From CallSign Software, KD0ZV.

    ICOMControl -- From N3CXV -- allow you to control yourIC756PROII, IC706MKIIG, or R9000 Receiver. Can be controlled by computerdirectly connected to the radio equipment via the CI-V interface, or via a localLAN or via the Internet.

    IC-746 controlsoftware -- From RussCheatham KU4YJ

    KingSmith Software -- Yaesu FT-736R, and Yaesu FT-847, soon for the ICOM IC-746, ICOM IC-756, and Yaesu FT-920.

    KSM (Kenwood Smart Memory) Read and change the memory channels of a 'Kenwood' amateur radio.

    MacIcomControl -- Communicate with and control an Icom radio with a McIntosh

    Rig ControlPrograms From QRZ.com

    SIMPLEX transforms any transceiver into a parrot or an audio simplex repeater or an audio duplex repeater or an audiotransponder (two transceivers needed for that last use !). It requires Win95, a SoundBlaster sound card and atleast 16 Mb RAM. The program is able to command two transmitters ON AIR by using the DTR andRTS signals of a single COM port.

    TRX-Manager -- Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood and TenTec Radios


    FT-817'sMemory Management -- 200 memories

    Yaesu VR-5000 Shortwave Radio ControlSoftware Version 1.0 Released - From KE7ATE

    FT-7800 memory management program -- From Bob G4HFQ

    FT-8800 memory management program -- From Bob G4HFQ

    FT-8900 memory management program -- From Bob G4HFQ

    VR-5000 memory management program -- From Bob G4HFQ

    Scan920 -- a radio control/scanner program for the Yaesu FT-920 From KH2D

    KingSmith Software -- Yaesu FT-736R, and Yaesu FT-847, soon for the ICOM IC-746, ICOM IC-756, and Yaesu FT-920.


    Intercom RTTY (using Hamcom Modem)

    Mscan Meteo Text -- An easy to use Windows program to receive NAVTEX and RTTY. Numerous filter settings allow for selection of only those message you wish to monitor.

    MMTTY by JE3HHT - free RTTY software using sound card

    N3TUK Software Pages -- RTTY,CW, Fax & SSTVPSK31 Software

    UA9OSV'sTrueTTY: From The DXsoft Group

    AMSAT DownLoadable Software -- Tons Of Amateur Satellite Programs

    Keplerian Data -- ARRL Index

    Nova -- Satellite Tracking Software -- Northern Lights Software

    SatellitePrograms and Files From QRZ.com

    Sat_Explorer : 2.8.6 (free satellite tracker)

    SatScape -- a cool satellite tracking program and is FREE


    ComTekk Tone Generator & Code Synthesizer -- Audio Signal Generator for Radio Communications. Utilizes your computer's built-in sound card to create all types of complex signals used in LMR, commercial & amateur two-way radio systems.

    Freq V 5.1(Software Spectrum-Analyzer Program

    RoMac Digital Audio Distortion Meter & Function Generator - FromRoger Macdonald, KF8OY

    Sound Technology_(DSP Analysis Technology)

Fsk Rtty Software For Mac Download


    HDSSTV High Definition Slow Scan TV

    Mscan v3.11 -- SSTV program for Windows 95/98 offers sound card support

    MMSSTV by JE3HHT - free SSTV software using sound card

    SlowScan TV Programs From QRZ.com

    VOICE KEYER -- GCVoiceKeyer V1.0 ... turns your computer into a CQing-machine -- From OE8YDQ and OE8CIQ

    KD4UDY UDY-2 Voice Keyer for Windows. Record multiple messages in multiple groups.



    This Page Last Updated: January 16, 2010