Meiou And Taxes 2.5 Download Link
MEIOU and Taxes will be launching on Saturday the 19th October, 2pm BST / 3pm CEST / 9am EDT We will be celebrating the launch with a live multiplayer game, featuring loads of players including all the developers. MEIOU and taxes Download Hi, I know posting a non-workshop link in this or any other forum is against paradox's terms, but can anyone PM me a link to a downloadable version of M&T 2.5 Heresy? The steam workshop downloader does not work for me. MEIOU and Taxes extends the timeframe of the game nearly a century earlier to the heyday of the 14 th century, giving the player even more time to enjoy his sandbox experience. This alone would have made this mod an easy download, but it is only one of the many features included therein.
Follow a lone man's epic quest to make Brittany a great power and learn a thing or two about the freaking amazing mod MEIOU & Taxes.
About the AAR in general:
- Read with vertical scrolling on, contains lots of text
-'comedic' and historical, mild roleplay
- light narrative focus, heavier gameplay focus
- Mostly screenshots
- Some crude language
- Lengthy explanations of M&T mechanics
- Advice for new players of M&T
- The writer isn't a native speaker
- How i do talk england?
Part of the campaign: Adobe green screen software.
MEIOU&Taxes 2.0 Brittany AAR/Mod Showcase
Ahem. Yeah, not a big deal at all. The mod is available on Steam Workshop ( and Paradox Forums ( The WIP wiki is here:
Gigau, if you're reading this, I expect the check to arrive within a week. Shilling isn't free, you know.
If you're not interested in history, skip to the next part and explain to me why you like playing a historical strategy game.
After John became a Duke, he didn't like Count John very much. Probably because people confused them all the time, he had no beard and his mother (John's half-mother) Yolande was a bitch who gifted him socks every Christmas. Because John had no children, there was a chance that John would inherit, and that horrified John. A beardless Duke of Brittany? Absolutely disgusting.
He wanted to give the duchy to the king of France after his death, which the nobles whined about, so he went for the second best option: his brother Guy's daughter Joan would inherit and marry the French noble Charles de Blois. This was OK because Brittany had agnatic-cognatic succession. If you don't know what that is, play CK2.
(image: depiction of Arthur de Dreux)
spammed the pope with angry letters saying Charles wasn't canon so the pope cancelled his canonization). Supposedly he placed pebbles in his shoes, wore ropes tight with knots near his flesh, confessed every night in fear of sleeping in a state of sin, inspired loyalty by his religious fervour and ordered the massacre of 1400 civilians.
Truly, he exemplified catholic virtues. Jesus would've been proud.
(Image: 17th century depiction of Charles. That beard is sexy.)
I didn't make that up. He really said that.
(Image: John's smiling corpse carried in a box. He smiled because he no longer had to deal with inheritance crap.
Gosh I wish I was inside a box like that)
England and France were taking a break, sharpening their swords, fletching arrows and oiling their muscles, or 'obeying the terms of truce and maintaining peace in the name of Christ ' as it was officially called. King Philip VI of France had heard from his maid who had heard from her niece who had heard from his friend who had heard from a merchant in Nantes that John loved sucking English cock. Philip took these factual news very seriously and began to support Charles of Blois to keep the English away from his backyard. Also because he liked his beard.
(Image: people pay homage to the new John, uncertain if he was actually the old John)
Charles and his French pals marched to Brittany and gave John a real pounding in the battle of Champtoceaux and the Siege of Nantes while the English were busy sipping tea -- wait, they had no tea back then. How am I supposed to make stereotype jokes about English without tea?
Anyways, the English weren't there so John lost so bad that his mercenaries deserted him and the townspeople of Nantes forced him to surrender and kicked him out of town. How embarrassing. The French imprisoned him and Charles regained Brittany. There, the end. Charles won, everyone is happy.
(Image: an unrelated battle, nobody bothered to paint images of the battles mentioned above)
This town was Brest. There, John's wife Joanna and her son John held out. Charles and his allies attacked, but the English finally arrived and beat back the blockading Genoese navy. The French had
gone to Calais to face the English invasion, the Blois mercenaries ran to their boats and escaped to Spain and more English reinforcements arrived. Things suddenly looked bleak for Charles, but never underestimate a bearded man.
(Image: modern-day Brest. No breast puns please.)
English attempts to attack Charles ended ultimately in failure, despite initial victories. Not only that, but John got sick and died in 1345. Even God thought Charles should become the Duke, if not for the strength of his claim, then for his pure badassery and tenacity.
(Image: Battle of Auray for no particular reason)
French defeats meant lost support for Charles and opportunities for the English. Charles began to lose ground and his attempt to retake a town from the English in the Battle of La Roche-Derrien ended in his imprisonment. He was sent to the Tower of London and kept there for many years. If you ever visit the place, you might find age-old strands of Charles' legendary beard in one of the cells.
(Image: the capture of Charles de Blois [his beard had been captured earlier])
In 1353 a treaty was signed and Charles was freed. If he did two things, England would recognize him as the Duke of Brittany. One, he would pay a ransom of 300,000 crowns. Two, he would ally with England and seal the alliance by marrying John (the other John, the son of the John who had died, who was the half-brother of John) to Edward III's daughter. The marriage required French approval, but before that could be given, the King of Navarre (who was a friend of England and had inherited Normandy from his father as you can see in M&T) wanted the war to continue and assassinated the Frenchman responsible for negotiations. The treaty was cancelled but Charles was already free. Typical English politeness, letting a prisoner go before the terms of his release were fully negotiated. Hey, you can make stereotype jokes about English without tea!
(Image: that cool painting of the Combat)
M&T's scenario isn't fully historical, however. John didn't return to Brittany before 1362 and the war only continued a year later, after Charles' wife Joan said 'fuck that bitch ass motha fucka' when John tried to negotiate with him (that quote I did make up). It all ended quickly in the Battle of Auray in 1364 when Charles' beard was cut and he committed seppuku out of shame. Rather Death Than Dishonor, as the Bretons say. His widow Joan realized she was the bitch ass motherfucker who was fucked and surrendered.
(Image: The Battle of Auray, for real this time)
(Image: depiction of Duke John. His moustache was shorter in reality.)
See you in the next part, where we finally get to the actual game.
(Image: a bust of Charles in Versailles. Look at dat beard.)
Next chapter:
Game: Europa Universalis IV
Meiou And Taxes Guide
MEIOU&Taxes 2.0 Brittany AAR/Mod Showcase -- Part 1: War of Succession
Meiou And Taxes 2.52 Download
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