Hoi4 All Leader Portraits

  • Black white portraits of country leaders and commanders v.0.1. 1999 is overhaul mod for Hoi4 that offers you playing in 1989 and 1999 and deal with global crysis.
  • Political parties are the ruling political parties in any given nation. They are each connected to one national leader and an ideology.If a leader for a country's ideology is not established in the game files, then a new one will be randomly generated that can be given benefits from political advisors.
  • Jun 18, 2019 The other portraits are improvements of existing leaders, all following the vanilla signature hand-drawn style. To be included in this compilation, a portrait MUST: 1) Be very similar to the vanilla HOI4 portraits (painting-like portraits are good, colorized photos are not).

One can add a custom portrait by adding it in in DDS-format, which may require Gimp or Paint.net to edit. A list of traits can be found in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/countryleader. It is possible to add more there as well. Military leaders. Custom army leaders may be defined here.

Hearts of Iron IV (2016)

#mountaingeneral #hoi4 #heartsofiron4
This is the greatest guide of All Time!
Channel Members:
Ghavril Melitene
❖Yoshiko Kawashima Portrait Revert- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2008905447
How to Get Every Female Leader in Hearts of Iron 4 {+GAMEPLAY}
0:00 - Intro
0:37 - Dürrüşehvar I
3:40 - Fanny Jabcovsky
5:20 - Kaiserin Victoria
9:35 - Wallis I
12:35 - Elizabeth II
13:44 - Elsie Farrelly
15:55 - Wilhelmina
18:15 - Teri'i-nui-o-Tahiti a Pomare
18:35 - Female Generals!
18:40 - Yoshiko Kawashima
19:27 - Lina Ódena
20:16 - Lakshmi Sahgal
21:32 - EXTRA female advisers!
21:55 - Conclusion
22:12 - Outro

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