Got my Gravely sold yesterday so my wife and I enjoyed the nice weather and did some tractor shopping. I have always like the little T series with the 2 cylinder diesel. I usualy miss out on the good deals when one pops up for sale. I lucked out this time and snagged this one for $700 off Craigslist with my wife's help. Came with ag tires on the rear, all the hub caps are there, runs well. I need to do some work on the tubular frame just in front of the HST unit. He mowed rough ground and the frame has been fixed, poorly with a 'bubble gum' weld job. I will grind it down and reweld better, along with adding some needed reinforcing. The drive shaft looks fairly new and the HST drive is strong. Not many of these little tractor were made IMHO due to thier high cost. You just dont see these, let along one that will be restored eventually. A small tractor is all we need and I wanted a diesel. That doesn't leave much of a choice. I had a G 5200, but even it was a bit large for our small yard. I really don't plow anymore, but I think with some frame reinforcement, this little girl could do that with a small moldboard plow. Mike
The Kubota T1600 is a 2WD lawn and garden tractor from the T series. This tractor was manufactured by Kubota from 1990 to 1996. The Kubota T1600 is equipped with a 0.5 L (29.2 cuin) two-cylinder diesel engine and a shaft-driven hydrostatic transmission with infinite forward and reverse gears. Download Ebook Kubota T1600 Manual Kubota T1600 Manual Getting the books kubota t1600 manual now is not type of inspiring means. You could not unaccompanied going subsequent to book amassing or library or borrowing from your connections to contact them. All genuine Kubota parts are designed and manufactured to strict factory standards in order to keep your equipment operating at peak performance year after year. With our industry-leading parts availability, you can have confidence knowing that your local Kubota dealer will be able to quickly supply all of the parts that you need.
Kubota T1600 Service Manual
Kubota uses a wide range of products and technologies to provide solutions in the areas of food, water, and the environment, which are indispensable for people's lives. From a grain of rice or a drop of water to the foundations of society and industry, Kubota's solutions support the lives of human beings.
As a comprehensive solutions provider for agriculture, Kubota offers total support at every stage of farming, from developing agricultural machinery that meets farmers' needs to the production, processing and consumption of agricultural products. Kubota supports farming throughout the world and contributes to a more prosperous future for people and food.
Kubota's water environment solutions are active in all aspects of the water cycle, supporting water infrastructure in Japan and throughout the world. As a water treatment specialist, we are committed to finding solutions to the world's water problems and supplying safe water to all people in the world.
Social infrastructure is indispensable for our prosperous and comfortable lives. Industrial infrastructure serves as the foundation for manufacturing. Kubota answers the needs of society to offer solutions that support these infrastructures, contributing to more affluent lives for humans.