Payne Gas Furnace Installation Manual Furnace Payne PG9MAB Series A Installation Manual 4-way multipoise fixed-capacity dual-vent condensing gas furnace sizes 040 thru 140 series a (64 pages) Furnace Payne. PG96VAT Product Data PAYNE GAS FURNACE OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download ManualsLib View and Page 2/15. GAS FURNACES OUR PROMISES WHAT IS AFUE? 96% PG96V Quiet AFUE Our 96% energy-efficient furnace (PG96V) features a variable-speed motor. This technology saves you money year-round on electric bills while being extremely quiet. Saving money never sounded so good. 1 Extra efficiency — Our high-efficiency furnaces have 2 heat exchangers to. Download 97 Payne Furnace PDF manuals. User manuals, Payne Furnace Operating guides and Service manuals. When a furnace is installed so that supply ducts carry air circulated by the furnace to areas outside the space contain-ing the furnace, the return air shall also be handled by duct(s) sealed to the furnace casing and terminating outside the space containing the furnace. A gas-fired furnace for installation in a residential garage. Installation Manual PG9MAB Series A 4-WAY MULTIPOISE FIXED-CAPACITY DUAL-VENT CONDENSING GAS FURNACE SIZES 040 THRU 140 Catalog No. IM-PG9MAB-01 Cancels: IM-PG9M-10 Printed in U.S.A. 8-05 Installation Manual - Dominion Energy Get Free Payne Gas Furnace Installation Manual Payne Gas Furnace Installation Manual Yeah, reviewing a books payne gas.
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Pg96vat Furnace Installation Manual Pg8m
Hi there,
I recently had a new Payne PG96VAT 2-stage/variable speed furnace installed along with a Honeywell small bypass humidifier and third generation Nest learning thermostat. Following the installation I read the furnace installation manual and have read the forums including asked questions of my HVAC tech about the installation which on hindsight I should have done earlier.
Based on my current knowledge I'm questioning some of the dip switch settings that were configured for my new furnace. See below:
SW1-2 Low Heat Only (Adaptive Heat Mode) - OFF
I have a two-stage Nest thermostat with W2 wire connected that is capable of controlling the staging. I did post this in another thread, and was informed that this should have been set to ON.
SW1-3 Low Heat Rise Adjustment - OFF
Manual says that this should be set to ON when using a bypass humidifier to increase low heat airflow by 18% to compensate for increased return air temperature. Should this not have been set to ON?
SW1-4 Comfort/Efficiency Adjustment - ON
Manual says that with this set to ON low heat airflow is reduced by 7% and high heat airflow by 10% for comfort. Is having this setting ON and SW1-3 OFF not detrimental to the furnace as the bypass airflow is not compensated for for low heat airflow?
SW1-5 CFM per ton adjust - ON
Turned ON for 400 CFM per ton cooling settings in conjunction with SW2-2 in OFF position. Default setting is OFF for 350 CFM per ton. I trust that this is acceptable for climate zone 6.
SW2-3,4,5 Continuous Fan - OFF, OFF, ON
As per the manual, this dip switch setting is for 1050 CFM based on 350 CFM per ton, so approximately 1200 CFM for 400 CFM per ton. Technician informed me that this was set to 40% of maximum cooling airflow (600 CFM) which is impossible based on this setting.
SW2-6,7,8 Cooling Airflow - ON, OFF, ON
As per the technician, cooling airflow was set for maximum. This setting is the same as the default setting with all dip switches off which is for a 3 ton unit which is 1190 CFM based on 350 CFM per ton at 0.5 ESP In. WC., so approximately 1370 CFM at 400 CFM per ton. This is significantly more than what is required for my 2-ton condenser unit which is 800 CFM. I don't believe that this was configured correctly at all and this would need to be matched to the proper fan speed setting based on the ESP in the system.
I'm hesitant in calling the technician back to have this configured properly as I'm not a subject matter expert and don't want to offend anyone, but I believe my new furnace is not configured optimally.
I'm contemplating calling another technician and to have them commission the system altogether.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.