Silent Hunter 5 Cheat Engine

Here you found Silent Hunter 5 cheat codes / walkthroughs. If you have proplems with the tips, hints, cheat codes or walkthroughs, feel free to ask in our Gaming Forum how they works. You can also use our comments function to ask how this cheat, tip or walkthrough work. Silent Hunter 5 Mods Best mods. Accurate German Flags V.1.01 Mod Posted almost 11 years ago; 1,153 downloads; This is a small mod to replace the fake default German. Silent hunter 5: battle of the atlantic gold trainer 1.2.0 Auto Repair, Renown, Promotion Points, Deck Gun Ammo, Torpedo Reload. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL RETAIL/STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer. Silent Hunter 5 - 3D Engine Demo for PC. Fortnite Returns to iOS, Dragon Age Director's New Studio New Map/Ships Coming to Squadrons, Crazy Spider-Man Glitch Microsoft's Bethesda Plans, Snyder Preferred 2-Part Justice League Twitch Apologizes for DMCA, Mortal Kombat Film Delayed Spider-Man Saves Will Transfer on PS5, Remote Play on PS4 Sega Sells Arcade Business, Celebrity Coming to Assassin.

Silent Hunter 4 Walkthrough

Overview on Silent Hunter 5 mods

Please read general overview of Silent Hunter 5 mods and the subsim modding and download community from our mods page. Below you find just quick overview and short human readable descriptions about few selected mods (mostly so called mega mods).

sobers mega mod

sobers mega mod, subsim forums by sober
That topic is horrible mess, its wall of absurd colored text without any clear description of what exactly is the mod. That is prime example of how shitty the subsim forums posting style are :(

Wolves of Steel mega mod

Silent Hunter 5 Cheat Engine

The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod by vdr1981
Clip studio paint plugins. Unless I'm mistaken this mod's campaign lasts until year 1944. One of the features is that real navigation should be used(?). Deck gun is balanced to more realistic levels, ie its not so powerful as in original game. Mission objectives tonnage bar removed as they all are now date controlled. Max time compression is limited to x512 for stability reasons (512? hehe).

Open Horizons II

Open Horizons II, subsim forums by Trevally
This is basically a campaign mod to extend the war to year 1945.

It has new ships. Reworked and new missions. Historical important convoys added. New campaign covering the 43-44 timeframe. Over 30 new ports and 2 new U-boat bases. It also includes new flotation sinking config, which at least to me is quite radical, ships take like hours to sink now (or at least thats how it feels).

Stormy's DBSM collection SH5

Stormy's DBSM collection SH5, subsim forums by Stormy
DBSM, argh what? I assume its Das Boot Sound Mod, but can't be sure as lame subsim topic first post does not say other than it's a sound mod :(

Apparently this mod is also called SDBSM. Please don't confuse this to the other DBSM by winkelmander

Das Boot Sound Mod

Das Boot Sound Mod by winkelmander
This mod replaces and adds the music tracks from Silent Hunter 3 and original sound track from Das Boot.


This is a great sound mod regarding the Das Boot Music (not sure about the generic sound bits), gives you excellent Das Boot atmosphere and mood. Very highly recommended, if not essential mod.

There is DBSM by Stormy so please don't confuse these two mods.

Silent Hunter 5 Cheats Pc

Sjizzle's Mega Mod Wolfes From The Deep

Sjizzle's Mega Mod Wolfes From The Deep by Sjizzle
Geez font. This mod is based on MagUI interface (whatever that is?), not much other info available than the individual mods used list.

Silent hunter 6 download

TDW Generic Patcher

Adobe green screen software. TDW Generic Patcher by TheDarkWraith
This is a tool and not a mod. Really not sure what to do with this, it hexedits the SH5.exe which sounds very dangerous.

Magnum Opus

Magnum Opus, subsim forums TheDarkWraith
His describing words: This mod is a compilation of the 'great work' of SH5. Hehe ;)

Silent Hunter 5 Trainer

Lite Campaign LC

Silent Hunter 5 Cheat Engine Mod Money Drop

Lite Campaign LC, subsim forums by Vikinger
This mod decreases every campaigns goals approximately by 50-60% except for the tutorial mission. This does not change the original campaign ending date after Black May 1943.

  • Tonnage missions is changed/lowered
  • Number of ships to sink is changed/lowered
  • Tonnage to save/protect is changed/lowered
  • Specific target missions, Like sink 1 carrier is unchanged

Silent Hunter 5 Cheat Engine

Germany victory goals is changed/lowered by 1 point on all campaigns. But you still need full stars/points for a full victory.